Europe in Crisis:- Radical Islam and the Immigration Overload

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Immigrants who come from a different culture from Europe and who have a religious belief that frowns on the liberal values of Europe


Will these people ever integrate fully into European Society or will the new Radical Islam encourage them to start a struggle to replace European Values and beliefs with values from their own religion. are flocking to Europe in their Millions

Yuri Barrack, a Ukrainian political commentator living in Berlin inGermany, gives us his overview of why the current influx is unsustainable and how it will lead to conflict and civil war

Immigrantss who come from a different culture from Europe and who have a religious belief that frowns on the liberal values of Europe are flocking to Europe in their Millions.

Will these people ever integrate fully into European Society or will the new Radical Islam encourage them to start a struggle to replace European Values and beliefs with values from their own religion

Yuri Barrack, a Ukrainian political commentator living in Germany, gives us his overview of why the current influx is unsustainable and how it will eventually lead to conflict and civil war


His message:- Europe has seen no war for 60 years and is too soft to understand the determination of Radical Islam to use Immigration to hide terrorists and put pressure on Europe to abandon it's liberal traditions in favour of Islamic Traditions.


This broadcast ask the questions everyone is currently avoiding for the sake of political correctness

Listen in and see what you thinkĀ 

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