Terry Mechan's Music

The Whins of Time

The song of the Ulster Scots

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As I face the final battle now
I remember long ago
When I heard the sounds of the Cruthin blow
Across the Land I know

A Land where whins so yellow bloom 
By Moorland, Heath and Sea
Where I hear my ancient kin folks speak
These ancient words to me.


“We vowed to stand ‘gainst foreign foe
When we were holding fast
So we will come and stand by you
The Future with the Past

Together we will win again
And make a settled home
Where Children, wives and friends of ours
Need never more to roam


We’ll hold the hand of friendship out
To former fighting men
As long as they remember we’re
A people once again

So come on home you Ulster-Scots
Before your race is through
And join once more the Ranks of those
Who love this land like you

Though we are scattered like the seeds
Upon the winds of time
I’ll always keep my Ulster Home
Within this heart of mine

And when my race is over, Lord
And yellow Whins grow high
May my soul rest with the Ulster Scots
Wherever they may lie


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